Hey Hey Hey Agape Family! While pumpkin spice and cinnamon fills the holiday air, this just might be the perfect time to make a memory by sharing a memory. Most foster parents want to know as much about their foster children as possible, but even a book filled with a bunch of details wouldn’t be enough to explain our foster children’s experiences. Just as foster parents are curious, so are foster children. They want to know and understand those that are surrounding them, especially the ones providing for them. Foster Parents play a huge role in our foster children’s lives which makes the time and experience shared between the two, important and necessary. Take a moment to hit rewind and think about a special time or photo in your life and share it with someone else. If you’re a foster parent, sit down with your foster child(ren) and share a special story and allow them to share their own. This creates an opportunity to Make A Memory by Sharing A Memory! Remember that foster children have memories too and not all of them are bad ones. So let’s make this a special moment for everyone.

Happy Holidays,